TRIO Talent Search
Talent Search is a federally funded program designed to assist individuals in preparing for college and obtaining admissions to a college of their choice. The Talent Search is a federally funded program designed to assist individuals in preparing for college and obtaining admissions to a college of their choice. The program provides counseling, financial aid information, and other information essential to post-secondary enrollment provides counseling, financial aid information, and other information essential to post-secondary enrollment.
Talent Search participants receive:
- Support in completing high school (study skills, test-taking and financial aid workshops)
- College and Career Information
- College Entrance Examination Procedures
- Assistance in applying for admission to college or other post-secondary institutions
- Assistance and information in applying for scholarships and other federal and state financial aid

Ronica Carmouche
Program Director
Office – 713-313-7485

Jasper Ross
Academic Advisor
Office – 713-313-1062
Marcus Nash
Academic Advisor
Office – 713-313-7274
Jaylon Maddox
Academic Advisor
Office – 713-313-5079